Oct 2, 2023 | Articles, Event, Round 3
6 startups earn their ticket to the final phase of the programme 10 startups traveled to Bilbao, Spain, for the 2-day pitching battle, out of which 6 got to move on to the final stage of the incubation programme. Reach Incubator celebrated the EXPERIMENT stage final...
Sep 8, 2023 | Event, Round 3
10 Incubation Round 3 data startups will travel to Bilbao, Spain for the final event of EXPERIMENT Phase! On 26 and 27 September the third round REACH Incubator EXPERIMENT Phase startups will travel to Bilbao, Spain to fight for their spot during the EVOLVE Phase. In...
Jun 22, 2023 | Event, Round 3
REACH EXPERIMENT Round 3 Kicks Off with Intensive Coaching and Training for 10 Startups The REACH EXPERIMENT Round 3’s Kick Off took place at University of Deusto, in Bilbao (Spain) from the 12th to the 13th June. The 10 startups classified during the Datathon in...
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