REACH startup Dative creates a digital platform that allows companies to create and visualize B2B incentive marketing campaigns!
Hi Dative! Can you present your team and company to us?
Dative is a Tech Building Company that can solve any kind of project and our goal is to be a point of reference in technology from the Basque Country. We are an international and skillful team that works with international customers.

How did you learn about REACH Incubator and what made you apply?
After being involved in other Data Value Chain incubators like EDI and DMS, we found out that the REACH Incubator program was highly recognized in the environment in which we move, since from Dative we provide solutions from Big Data generated by different entities and companies. Among the proposed challenges, we discovered that we could apply our knowledge and skills to solve the SONAE challenge of identifying opportunities for improvement at both commercial and operational levels, computing the ‘time in store’ per customer according to the shopping cart. On top of that, our recent product focused on promotional payments were fitting in their scope.
You are tackling SONAE MC’s challenge Improving Stores’ Efficiency Using Clients Shopping Times. How do you think experimenting with and solving their data value chain challenge will set the foundations for scaling your solution?
SONAE is a multinational company that manages a diversified portfolio of businesses, and is the leader in the food retail market in Portugal, with a track record of more than 30 years of growth with a highly diversified portfolio of banners, formats and channels and the maintenance of a culture of continuous improvement and efficiency. Therefore, if a company like SONAE validates our solution, it will be a fundamental step to develop in a sustainable way in the FCMG sector and scale our product.
It is worth remembering that Dative aims to solve the loyalty problem of companies, providing them with a B2B platform where they can create, control and obtain traceability of their incentive marketing campaigns to retain or increase loyalty or engagement of end consumers, incentivize their employees or acquire potential customers.
Please present your solution and elaborate on how it differentiates from the competition.
When a company wants to conduct a marketing campaign to increase fidelity, loyalty or customer acquisition, they would contact a traditional incentive marketing agency. Those campaigns can be lengthy, expensive, would use physical gift cards and have no traceability.
We developed a digital platform that allows companies to create and visualize B2B incentive marketing campaigns. We understood the importance of having a catalog platform of over 700 digital vouchers in 8 countries that allows them to visualize the status of each voucher (including unredeemed ones). Our value proposition that differentiates from the competition is based on the recovery of unredeemed vouchers and the option to send products directly from the Amazon marketplace which is connected to our API.
Using our platform, companies can decide when to run a campaign, for how long and what they want to offer as a reward. Be it digital vouchers or physical products.
Do you foresee any obstacles in successfully developing and commercializing your solution?
Our solution is currently live, so we continue to make improvements and add features to respond to our customers’ needs. We are in the Growth phase, where we are already commercializing our product and where we have validated our solution with other customers. We foresee that we will have to hire new professionals to continue scaling the solution.