Next generation data incubator

Thank you for being a part of our journey!

We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of

REACH Incubator.

REACH Incubator

To take a leading position on Data Economy, Europe is placing focus on breaking “data silos”, and accessing, sharing and reusing data, still ensuring that this happens in a secured and trusted manner. For that, the European Commission is supporting pilot projects and innovation spaces to allow experimentation on cross-sector multi-stakeholder data innovation.

REACH positioned itself as the primary innovation catalyst, fostering secure and trusted data value chains across diverse sectors and introducing cutting-edge data-driven products and services to the market. Harnessing the capabilities of Europe’s premier data-driven Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), REACH has supported over 100 SME business ideas, distributing a total of €3.5M.

The overarching goal of REACH was to demonstrate the dismantling of Data Silos by facilitating a multi-stakeholder, cross-sectorial incubator that propels sustainable, data-driven solutions.


Our Ecosystem

REACH created an immersive and intertwined virtual as well as physical multistakeholder ecosystem, supported by the existing networks of DIHs and competence centres in the field of trusted and secure data value chains. The REACH ecosystem supported pilot projects and innovation spaces for experimenting with proprietary industrial data along with personal data.

The incubator disseminated the results of the experimentations and their economic and social impact for companies and citizens across Europe, and ensured the sustainability of the REACH data-driven innovation hub beyond the extent of the project, supported by other initiatives of Common European Data Space, including the Big Data Value PPP.

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