Securing data transactions
Application Track:
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Summary of the entity:
The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) is one of the largest research centres in Greece; top 1 in north Greece. Its mission is to promote the triplet Research – Development – Innovation by conducting high quality research and developing innovative products and services while building strong partnerships with industry and strategic collaborations with academia and other research and technology organisations in Greece and abroad.
More than 800 people work at CERTH with the majority being scientists. CERTH has received numerous awards and distinctions, while it is listed among the Top-20 of the EU’s Research Centres with the highest participation in H2020 competitive research grants.
It is active in a large number of application sectors (energy, buildings and construction, health, manufacturing, robotics, (cyber)security, transport, smart cities, space, agri-food, marine and blue growth, water, etc.) and technology areas such as data and visual analytics, data mining, machine and deep learning, virtual and augmented reality, image processing, computer and cognitive vision, human computer interaction, IoT and communication technologies, navigation technologies, cloud and computing technologies, distributed ledger technologies (blockchain), (semantic) interoperability, system integration, mobile and web applications, hardware design and development, smart grid technologies and solutions and social media analysis.
Summary of the challenge:
The goal of this challenge is to provide secure authentication methods and protocols when transmitting sensitive data and activity/ healthy profiles.
Stakeholder: Hardware end-users – DATA PRIVACY and CONFIDENTIALITY
One important aspect related to data management is the assurance that the privacy of the involved users is ensured and that data transfers among components are secured from data interception and malicious acts.
In that frame, end-users need to have guarantees related both to the visibility of their personal data and to how the product designers will exploit them for the needs of the platform. Also, there is a need to provide assurance that the system, its resources, and the information shared are protected against harm and that all confidential information and resources can be accessed and used only by authorized users.
In order to address these challenges, all transactions between components should be encrypted. The data stored and transferred among the system’s components should be anonymized so that the identity of the end-user from whom the data were retrieved cannot be inferred.
Finally, providing secure authentication methods and protocols is of utmost importance when dealing with sensitive data and activity/health profiles of end-users.
REACH Data Providers:
- Audio data (wav files)
- Motion data:
- Motion/ no motion (1/0) and timestamp
- Temperature (Celsius) and timestamp
- Luminance (lux) and timestamp
Expected outcomes:
To create a data value chain that allows:
- To secure sensitive personal data. No security lost, leading to 99% secure transactions.
- To perform 99% secure data transactions.
How do we apply?
Read the Guidelines for Applicants
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