Company Name:
Incubation Round:
Application Track:
Proposed by:
Data Provider:
Challenge Name:
Product Description
The product is a web-based interactive platform, that combines a robust data value chain and game design visual guidelines to maximize usability and engagement, empowering users to easily, and in real-time, not only browse historical sales and inventory data but also consult what-if scenarios for their products.
Users will have access to pre-built reports and analytics regarding their products (informing on characteristics like price elasticity and other variables that drive demand) and will be able to leverage their data and other available open datasets, for strategic or tactical planning, using dynamic forecasting and simulations to address challenges like stockout scenarios for example.
Usage of Standards for data interoperability:
- REST API documented under Open API specification
- JSON as the data format for API output
- EU (eIDAS) date format
- Database modelling and naming standards:
– snake_case for table naming;
– full_length_id for id column naming;
– all tables include timestamp columns for create and updated
- Geographic coding standard ISO 3166 for country codes
- Datasets made available will subscribe to the W3C’s Data Cube Vocabulary (W3C 2014)
*Expose phase is open to all Experiment phase teams
Company maturity:
Investment level:
Funding raised:
Collaboration opportunity:
Company Description
AI ALFRED was born in 2019, as the inevitable consequence of wanting to bring the profoundly transformative power of gamification and game-based design to a broader audience.
Taking the lessons learned from developing bespoke corporate gamification solutions since 2017, they’re applying them to emerging technologies like Machine Learning and AI, bringing out know-how to entirely new audiences and providing us with the scale we believe gamification and game-inspired design can and should have.
MindOverData, their partner, is a Data Boutique consulting firm, working on Big Data and Machine Learning, merging business needs with technology. They envision data as the resource and people as the enablers of business solutions.
Tiago Perdigão - CEO
CEO with more than 20 years of experience in Mkt & Retail, in companies like Jerónimo Martins, FNAC and Adidas, in Portugal and EMEA.
Manuel Pimenta - CXO
CXO with 13 years of experience as a Developer, Analyst and Gamification Designer with clients in verticals like Banking, Retail, Telco and Health.
David Duarte - CTO
CTO with more than 15 years of experience in Games and Software Development, in companies like Videobserver and Big Fish Games.
Pedro Ribeiro - Lead Technical Officer
Lead Technical Officer with over 20 years of experience in Big Data, mainly in the Insurance and Retail business domains.
Vasco Jesus - Head of Analytics
Head of Analytics in different companies and teams spread throughout different geographies, University Invited Lecturer, 22 years of experience.