Company Name:

Dative Partners S.L

Incubation Round:

Explore, Experiment, Evolve

Application Track:

Track 2

Proposed by:


Data Provider:


Challenge Name:

Improving Stores’ Efficiency Using Clients Shopping Times

Product Description

Dative allows each client to create, activate and control their own marketing campaigns through our B2B marketplace API where they can have +700 vouchers in 8 different countries around the world. This marketplace is located on the digital platform called Roiward. Together with their Advanced Analytics modelling, using the Roiward platform customers can decide when to trigger a campaign in real time when the customer is more sensitive to promotions. 

When an organisation wants to run an incentive marketing campaign for customer loyalty, acquisition, etc., they would contact a traditional marketing agency. Such campaigns can be lengthy, expensive and would use physical gift cards with no traceability. Dative has found a way to do all that with Roiward.  Digitization even allows companies to view the status of vouchers sent to their customers and in case they have not been redeemed by end users, recover the value of the vouchers.

Usage of Standards for data interoperability:

API Swagger

Reach Timeline

*Expose phase is open to all Experiment phase teams


Bilbao, Spain


Digital Marketing | Retail



Company maturity:

Scaling in products or markets

Investment level:


Funding raised:

< EUR 500,000

Collaboration opportunity:

Company Description

Dative is a data-driven marketing company whose mission is to transform companies by unlocking the hidden value of their data. Dative offers a learning process that PREPARES organisations’ data to develop analytics and hypotheses, then follows the LEARN from this data and predicts models by analysing insights and outsiders. The methodology continues with automated insights into the regular business process to evaluate, iterate and (RE)ACT starting again with the process.

Dative uses AIO Platform, a powerful web analytics platform that provides 100% data ownership and guarantees privacy protection for its users.

Involvement in Standardisation Bodies:

ISO 27001 

Jonatan Amenedo - CEO

CEO, Telecom Engineer by the University of The Basque Country + Executive MBA by ESADE with additional specialisation in HEC, Imperial College and Georgetown University. 15 years of experience in multi-sector major international companies like P&G,, Liberty Global. Implementing and executing advanced analytics strategies based on data to execute marketing plans.

Alfredo Gonzalez - COO

COO at Electronics and Automation Engineer by Carlos III University. 15 years of experience working in retail, supply chain and analytics in international groups (P&G, Coty). All being related to operations management.

Ander Lopez - CTO

CTO at Computer Science Engineer by the University of Mondragon. More than 15 years’ experience in Dev space with strong focus on DevOps, Cloud and scalable solutions.