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Product Description
MovInCity is conceived as an evidence-based solution whose aim is to empower public administration with contextualized urban mobility indicators to support decision making and contribute in the design of actions plans to promote sustainable and urban infrastructures optimization. The solution will consist of visualization tools adapted to different target users with a multimodal perspective on data visualization (different visualizations adapted to their interests and needs).For this aim, private and public dashboards will be available for:
- Government/Urban planners: evidence-based urban planning indicators for improving urban areas and boost underutilized mobility alternatives.
- Public for citizens/visitors and local businesses: real-time indicators will allow users to make informed decisions on their mobility in urban areas.
MovInCity will be based on an open-source approach, following European Union data space standards. Moreover, HOPU will integrate heterogeneous datasets on mobility, public transport, urban health (air quality, weather, etc.), tourism, and socio-statistics, to contextualize urban actions’ effectiveness. The solution will integrate Artificial Intelligence and data modelling (smart data models) to assess urban environments mobility. The geo-located indicators will be correlated with local climate, noise and crowds-levels to evaluate mobility habits’ impact on theecosystem’s sustainability. In this respect, data will be transformed into valuable indicators to contextualize, model, and forecast the effect of mobility (traffic, people flows,public transport, low emission zones, etc.). The solution will includ
Usage of Standards for data interoperability:
- Apache Spark
- CrateDB
- Scikit-learn
- Keras/Tensorflow
- LSTM Recurrent Neuronal Network
- Apache NiFi
- Orion Context Broker (FIWARE)
- IEEE PAR2510
- Grafana
*Expose phase is open to all Experiment phase teams
Company maturity:
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Company Description
- HOPU is part of the board of directors of FIWARE Foundation (Gold Member, Experts and Evangelists)
- Contributor ant ETSI SAREF
- Contributor ant ETSI NGSI CIM (NGSI-LD) for data models and management of contextual information in FIWARE.
- HOPU is leading the emerging standard IEEE PAR 2510 for IoT sensors data qualityIEEE PAR 2510 for IoT sensor data quality
- HOPU is part of different organizations based on the use of open technologies and standards for an open information world, as the OASC (Open and Agile Smart Cities)
- Currently is chairing the Internet of Things Technical Committee of the IEEE Communications Society
- Member of OMA SpecWorks
- Member of ENISA IoT Security Expert Group
Antonio Jara
Antonio Jara is the founder of HOPU. He is focused on the Smart Cities market with solutions for citizens engagements, tourism, active participation, physical web and environmental monitoring and also in several actions related to security/privacy.
Arturo Haro
Software Engineer
Arturo Haro is a computer engineer and data scientist at HOPU. He is specialised in creating data models and integrating datasets, transforming these data into indicators for a much more understandable format for city managers and citizens.
Javier Sánchez
UI/UX Designer & Frontend Developer
Javier Sánchez specializes in designing web and applications user interfaces based on usability by design and user experience (UX). He also collaborates by creating illustrations, motion graphics and animations, which can be used for many other applications, including visualisation tools to enable data visualization tools.
Eduardo Illueca
Industrial Research
Eduardo Illueca develops Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and data-driven Services. Also, he works in the semantic representation of the knowledge domain and the IoT ecosystem.. He plays a key role in the design, coordination and performance of the experiment of the HOPU’s laboratory and the generation of the data.