Continuous Improvement of Product Design based on consumer data

Application Track:

Theme Driven




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Summary of the entity:

List institute, a digital systems’ expert. Based in Saclay (Paris region, France), List Institute is one of CEA Tech three technological research institutes constituting CEA technological Division. Dedicated to smart digital systems, our mission is to achieve technological development of excellence for our industrial partners and create value, with more than 200 industrial collaborations per year. List institute counts more than 750 partners and every year more than a 200 partnership activities are being conducted with French and foreign industrial companies on applied research projects in four main topics: Advanced Manufacturing, Embedded systems, Data intelligence and Health ionizing radiations

Summary of the challenge:

The goal is to help product designers, and providers of technologies for product design, to leverage on manufacturing and end-user data to improve product designs


Stakeholders: Hardware Designers and Design Tool Providers


These stakeholders use their expertise in hardware and electronics product development to assess the feasibility, the risks and to find an optimal compromise in cost-performance-power ratio. Other product domains such as electrical motors share the same concern.

Therefore, they need to establish a database of performance patterns for these products, based on common configurations of parameters (e.g. hardware platforms and software functions).

However, they need a number of significant, historical data of performance of systems based. This type of historical data is available from both hardware manufacturers and hardware end-users.

The challenge for hardware designers is to analyse and improve product performance, based on visualisations of historical usage data, learn how the device’s components and states perform and consume the most battery power, and find out through simulation tools how to improve power consumption. These tools should allow designers to communicate seamlessly with device manufacturers, by providing datasheets including connections between components and parameters for fine-tuning.


Expected outcomes:

  • To increase the competitiveness of hardware designers and manufacturers
  • To make the product design and development lifecycle faster.
  • Accelerate time to market for new products

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