Product Recognition in Pharmaceutical Logistics
Application Track:
Proposed by:
Entity Logo:

Summary of the entity:
Cofares is the leading pharmaceutical wholesaler in Spain. It is a cooperative with 100 % pharmaceutical capital that provides pharmacies with products as well as health related services.
Summary of the challenge:
There are some of our logistics processes, such as the detection of differences between the delivery note and the delivered products, that are automatic and involve recordings or photographs, but they usually need human supervision. The goal of this challenge is to develop an artificial vision tool accurate enough to dispense with human supervision.
Currently those images are used in case a customer claims for missing products. An operator looks for the missing product in all the images and if it is found the customer is informed that the product was delivered.
In the future those images could be used in a proactive way to detect missing pieces before finishing the picking operation.
Expected outcomes:
Any improvement suggestions about the physical environment and the devices used (cameras, lightning, etc.) will be welcome.
How do we apply?
Read the Guidelines for Applicants
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