Company Name:

Incubation Round:


Application Track:

Track 1

Proposed by:


Data Provider:


Challenge Name:


Product Description

Running Artificial Intelligence in tiny devices with limited computational resources is hard. Usual solutions depend on cloud computing, where the computation is outsourced to a remote powerful computer, which makes the system dependent on a reliable internet connection and compromises data privacy and may cause proprietary data leaks.

We, on the other hand, provide a fast EdgeAI Speech Activity Detection solution that can enable AI to be run locally, without internet connection, in tiny consumer-grade hardware. This approach is especially attractive since it promotes data privacy

Usage of Standards for data interoperability:


Reach Timeline

*Expose phase is open to all Experiment phase teams




Artificial Intelligene | Digital Marketing | Energy | Finance | Health | Healthcare & Insurance | Manufacturing / Industry | Media | Retail | Social Services | Tourism and Security


Company maturity:

Pre-MVP and MVP, Live funding and product-market fit, Scaling in products or markets

Investment level:


Funding raised:

< EUR 100,000

Collaboration opportunity:

Legal / Regulatory, Product development, Manufacturing, Marketing, Distribution, Service / Support, Product testing and revision, Investment

Company Description

We are making deep-learning lighter. We provide a software-only platform that enables you to drastically optimize and speedup your models. Our technology is incredibly efficient, allowing you to reduce cloud computing costs and use low-cost chips for AI deployment costing only $1 and consuming just 1mW of energy.

Francisco Melo

Francisco Melo is the founder and CEO and he has 4 years of  AI, Hw and High Performace Computing Engineer experience and holds a BSc and  MSc degrees in EE.

Rui Maciel

Rui Maciel is the Co-Founder and CTO of our team. He brings his expertise as a Computer Scientist and Engineer to lead our technical operations.

Frederico Santos

Frederico Almeida Santos is an HPC Engineer of the team. His background in Electrical and Computer Engineering brings high-value hardware, software and AI knowledge. He is an active member of his university’s community and is member of the Associação Académica da Universidade de Lisboa for multiple years, where he currently leads the Employment and Entrepreneurship section. Furthermore, Frederico is fluent in 4 crucial languages (Portuguese, French, English and Spanish).