Company Name:


Incubation Round:


Application Track:

Track 1

Proposed by:


Data Provider:


Challenge Name:


Product Description

FireDash is an analytical platform that assists firefighter teams in optimizing their resources and people to face the emergencies more efficiently.

To do so, we use time-series modelling and genetic algorithms. We will fine-tune our model by using both historical data sources (weather history of the region, fires that happened over the last years, the tactics applied in those cases, the biodiversity of the region), as well as continuous data (weather condition measurement, traffic estimation) so that the deployment of resources is optimal.

Usage of Standards for data interoperability:

International Data Spaces Association’s (IDSA) IDS Connector.
Smart Data Models, supported by the Smart Data Models Initiative.
FedEHR Anonymizer, which complies with GDPR privacy requirements.


Reach Timeline

*Expose phase is open to all Experiment phase teams


San Sebastian & Madrid, Spain


Finance | Social Services


Company maturity:

Pre-MVP and MVP

Investment level:


Funding raised:

< EUR 100,000

Collaboration opportunity:

Legal / Regulatory, Product development, Marketing, Distribution, Product testing and revision, Investment

Company Description

Galde Analytics, SL (Galde Analytics, Ltd.) was incorporated in 2022, but its’ activity was driven by Beñat Galdós as a freelancer since 2020 by using the “Galde” brand. Galde has built several data products, as well as created many dashboards, management system integrations, web visualizations, etc., for various companies (Grupo BELCA, GasteizFRUT, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, …) So different kind of managers can make the best decisions on their daily basis.

With the company’s prior data science consulting knowledge, Galde has created its own products. Galde’s primary product consists of a proprietary dashboard solution where they can integrate various data sources, as well as automatically build dashboards with a collection of KPIs that were previously used in various sectors such as food, logistics, business strategy or Human Resources.

Beñat Galdós - Founder

More than 8 years of experience in tech (digital marketing, cybersecurity, AI), leading AI architecture and research development for clients.

Jon Egaña - Full-Stack Developer

More than 5 years working with web technologies, SQL and NoSQL databases, and Amazon Web Services deployments.