Company Name:


Incubation Round:


Application Track:

Track 2

Proposed by:


Data Provider:


Challenge Name:

Object Detection from Images

Product Description

ROSETTA is a complete, end-to-end trainable neural network that can perform multiple objects detection in real time. The goal is to create a machine learning module that can be used to detect objects picked up by customers from refrigerators using images from a mounted camera. This will allow for automatic, real-time bookkeeping of a unit’s product catalog.

Since this module is needed for widespread deployment, it has to run on an easy-to-install, low-power device, like the Jetson Nano 4GB, without any help from the cloud. Even though object detection is a task that machine learning has excelled at, there are many technical challenges for this system. The hands of the shoppers will always be within view and potentially abstract the grabbed object. Images can be blurry. The background can be dynamic and so on. To overcome these challenges, novel methods will be used based on deep learning networks.

Usage of Standards for data interoperability:

  • Open data formats (JSON, CSV)
  • EU (eIDAS) date format
  • REST API under Open API specification
  • GDPR data processor requirements
  • General guidelines of DISC (Data Interoperability Standards Consortium) and European Interoperability Framework (EIF)


Reach Timeline

*Expose phase is open to all Experiment phase teams


Athens, Greece


Digital Marketing | Manufacturing / Industry | Retail


Company maturity:

Scaling in products or markets

Investment level:


Funding raised:

< EUR 100,000

Collaboration opportunity:

Marketing, Distribution, Product testing and revision

Company Description

Phasmatic was founded in October 2022 and is a 3D graphics-focused startup company originating from Computer Graphics Group of Athens University of Economics & Business. Phasmatic believes that photorealistic and high-performance visualization of 3D data is the next milestone for the Web. It offers 3D solutions that allow a product’s presentation to go beyond basic 2D images, video and 360. Its mission is to enrich visual user experiences with cutting-edge 3D photorealistic rendering technology and its vision is to bring this level of quality to the eCommerce, Augmented Reality and the Metaverse. Phasmatic is now a team of 4 people with strong backgrounds and expertise in 3D, XR and AI from both the industry and academia.

Involvement in Standardisation Bodies

1) Phasmatic and Khronos Group have been collaborating on developing an open-source tool for 3D content creators, who need to transform & optimize their assets for any real-time 3D application and environment. Contribution to standards:
– glTF 2.0 (ISO/IEC 12113:2022 International Standard)
2) Phasmatic is a participant member of Metaverse Standards Forum; a vibrant community of standards organisations and companies helping to build an open metaverse.

Andreas A. Vasilakis

Andreas is the CEO and co-founder of Phasmatic and is responsible for driving the company’s business strategy & marketing.

Nick Vitsas

Nick is the COO and co-founder of Phasmatic and he oversees the organization’s day-to-day operations.

Anastasios Gkaravelis

Anastasios is a technical advisor guiding the company’s technological needs & product development.

Iordanis Evangelou

Iordanis is the team AI expert. He is currently pursuing his PhD from the Department of Informatics at the AUEB.